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Demystifying Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is a popular buzzword that is used to describe the increased permeability (aka “leakiness”) of the intestinal wall that allows...
Fiber 101
Fiber is a class of carbohydrates that are unable to be broken down and digested by human enzymes, so it passes through the...
Probiotics: health or hype?
Probiotics are currently defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
You Should Be Checking Your Poop... (yep, we are going there)
By the end of this article, I hope to convince you why keeping tabs on your poop is super important and not gross. Poop, aka stool, aka...
Grains, Gluten, and Gut Health
The holidays are here and the New Year is coming, which means only one thing…fad diets and bad dieting advice is about to rear its head...
8 Surprising Facts I Learned about Nutrition while Getting my PhD in Nutritional Sciences
They say the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know and that is 100% true in my experience as someone who has spent the...
How to Navigate Nutrition Research with Confidence
It is extremely tricky to be a consumer in today’s world with so much media influence. There is so much pressure and conflicting messages...
Getting to Know Your Gut
I want to preface this post with the fact that I try to avoid being prescriptive because the field of gut health is still very new and we...
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